Today we are talking about a topic that is very sectorial and that only affects a specific category of workers: teachers newly hired and those who have obtained the change of role and who are facing the new probationary year.

These categories must create a training curriculum for new employees , which is very different from a curriculum vitae simple and forms part of the professional teachers portfolio, made up of the training curriculum for new hires and the balance of initial and final skills.

All teachers who are part of these categories must fill out a training curriculum to new hires. Let’s see how to do it, how to fill it in and where to find it.

What is a training curriculum for new employees?

There is a digital platform where teachers have to fill out their training curriculum to new hires , the “Indire” platform.

This curriculum, which has nothing to do with the traditional curriculum vitae, is a useful tool for describing the educational and professional experiences of teachers , which allowed the resources in question to develop certain skills in the teaching sector and in the didactic field.

On the platform mentioned above, you can find numerous guidelines on how to make the curriculum vitae , even if in reality they depend a lot on the experience of each one and the indications are still very general.

What to write in the training curriculum for new hires?

You can insert all those in your training curriculum experiences that, in one way or another, they have have contributed to improving your experience in the field of teaching.

We are therefore not speaking only of work and training experiences, but also of life and private experiences, of various kinds and of various kinds, that can contribute to improve one’s identity as teachers .

In this section it is therefore possible to enter personal and family experiences, but also to describe particularly significant events or projects, periods of volunteering, meetings that have contributed to your growth as people and as teachers.

Where to fill in the training curriculum for new hires?

To fill out the training curriculum for new hires you can register on the Indire platform and enter the Portfolio section from there. Inside you will find the section relating to the training curriculum for new hires, where the sections to be completed are:

  • Scope of experience and starting year
  • Duration (in months)
  • Short description of the experience
  • What did I learn?
  • How did it affect my professionalism?

scrittura curriculum formativo per neoassunti

How to fill in the training CV for new hires?

The maximum number of experiences you can fill in is five, so it is very important to choose carefully which ones to include.

In the section concerning the scope of the experience you need only to enter the name of the activity carried out, for example “Volunteering” and then continue in the following sections with the other information, for example the start date and the total duration in months of the experience carried out.

For each section it is very important to meticulously follow the information provided by the site, so as not to prejudice the result of our application ature. As for the section of the experience description , you have 1000 characters available here, so you have plenty of space to describe your experience and the salient and significant moments.

But try not to repeat yourself and not to fill the free space just for. Those who read it absolutely must not waste time or even worse get bored, you must write only significant and important experiences. For each experience mentioned, it is good to describe why it was meaningful to you and how it improved your relationship with teaching or with the way you relate to other people or to life in general.

Advice on the training curriculum for new hires

Fill in carefully all the parts of the training curriculum for new hires, together with the balance of initial and final skills. This type of curriculum differs greatly from the europass curriculum and is also a tool to improve or to make the skills of teachers more visible.

As with traditional curricula, also in this case we must follow some rules very specific. For example, you need to weigh each word well to avoid repetition. We must also try to be brief enough, as far as possible and not to make it too long and heavy for the reader.

To better explain the concept, if you don’t know how to compile it, here is an example.

The experience as a volunteer teacher at Nome Scuola in Indonesia was a life-changing experience. This experience was not only significant for my teaching career, it was also very important for my personal life. Finding myself in a cultural context so different from mine meant that I could get out of my comfort zone and that I could learn from more experienced colleagues .

In short, you have to describe your experience in a synthetic way but in more detail as possible, and at the same time to understand how this experience has been important for your identity as teachers and to improve the relationship you have with teaching and teaching, as well as your way of relating to students.

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